When did modern Indian art begin?
The Modern Indian Art movement peaked in the 1950s and 60s. In 1947, shortly after India gained independence from British colonial rule, the Bombay Progressive Artists’ Group was formed to develop an Indian avant-garde and engage with modern art at an international level.
What was the Bombay Progressive Artists' Group?
Established in the year of Indian independence in 1947, the Bombay Progressive Artists’ Group was determined to create a new artistic movement that was entirely Indian but also modern. Although the PAG did not represent a single style, theme or philosophy, all of its member artists aimed to develop new standards and innovations in visual arts in India, rejecting the conventions of the Bengal School.
Who were the main members of the Progressive Artists Group?
The founding members of the Bombay Progressive Artists’ Group included F.N. Souza, S.H. Raza, K.H. Ara, M.F. Husain, H.A. Gade and S.K. Bakre. Other notable artists such as V.S. Gaitonde, Mohan Samant and Krishen Khanna became associated with the group later.
What are the characteristics of modern painting in India?
Indian modern art was influenced by internationally popular artistic movements of the twentieth century, such as Abstract Expressionism and Cubism, while incorporating unique Indian motifs, landscapes and references. As a result, modern art painting styles range from fully abstract, like S.H. Raza’s geometric compositions, to figurative, like Husain’s scenes of horses, as well as styles that fall somewhere in between.
What is the difference between Indian contemporary and modern art?
‘Modern’ and ‘contemporary’ art refer to two different time periods — the term ‘modern art’ typically refers to art created from the 1880s to the 1950s or 60s, while ‘contemporary art’ refers to current artworks produced by living artists or those who may have passed recently.
Can you help source original artworks by Indian Modern masters like M.F. Husain, S.H. Raza, Satish Gujral and others?
Yes, in addition to our collection of serigraphs, we do sell original paintings by leading modern Indian artists. We frequently collaborate with private collectors, art dealers and partner galleries to source authentic originals on request. If you are interested in modern art paintings on canvas, please reach out to us at info@laasyaart.com.